Monday, April 15, 2019

Florilegium: Good Omens

Good Omens is an amusing and entertaining read if you like magical realism, British humor, or anything in between. The style of writing in this novel is quite wordy and was hard for me to hone into poetry, so this found poem is more along the lines of the florilegia that Vanessa and Casper, my inspirations, do on their podcast, which is taking sentences and placing them alongside each other to see what new meaning comes from them. I really enjoy reading these lines from the book juxtaposed with each other.

You think you’re on top of the world, and suddenly 

they spring Armageddon on you.
Everyone has to take sides in something.

The future came and went in the mildly discouraging way that futures do.
Millions of people who ultimately would have suffered minor bruises of the soul did not in fact do so.
You don’t have to test everything to destruction just to see if you made it right.

Death of a sort lurks inside every living creature.
Deep in the armchair of his soul, he knew that God got embarrassed at that sort of thing.

Secondhand book with apple-printed blanket

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